to technology in the classroom.
technology use in the classroom.
what was meant was "Why bother with using technology in the classroom?"
Many “naysayers” (those against teaching technology in the classroom)
Benefits and Problems with Integrating Technology in the Classroom
become comfortable using videoconferencing technology in their classroom
"Integrating Technology into the Classroom" Dr. Karen Jarrett Thoms
Using technology in the classroom – Powerteacher Canada
[William A. Kealy / Benefits of Integrating Technology into the Classroom
Technology in the Classroom
Using technology in the classroom – Powerteacher Canada
Smart Board Technology in Jay's Classroom
To see a sample clip of IVT using video technology in the classroom,
the students preferred limited or no use of technology in the classroom.
and innovative ways to integrate technology into the classroom impacts
Five Approaches to Mobile Technology in the Classroom
Mrs. Ferguson recently integrated Technology into her classroom by giving a
think this kind of technology should be integrated into the classroom as
Teachers only marginally integrate the disposable technology in class.

The onus is now on educators to integrate technology into the classroom in a